NATCA operates in nine regions, which correspond to the boundaries set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). NATCA’s 10th region, Region X, encompasses the union’s other bargaining units including engineers, aircraft certification and legal professionals. Each region is represented by a regional vice president on the National Executive Board, the union’s governing body. Responsibilities are common to all nine regions, however great leeway is evident in the way they are handled and in individual administrative, management and communication styles. One thing each region does consistently is provide the best air traffic service in the world.
All of the regions are diligent in:
Offering facility representative, media, legislative, labor relations and safety training programs.
Establishing liaison programs for 540, 530 and 510 branches of the FAA.
Developing partnership initiatives with the FAA on such issues as alcohol testing, critical incident stress debriefings, and occupational safety and health.
Recommending members to national committees, work groups and details.
Ensuring internal communications.
Offering special town meetings or similar forums to discuss current topics, including reclass, cost of living allowances, seniority, convention results, and equipment or technology schedules.
Answering members’ questions and attending to daily concerns, such as disciplinary conduct, training failures, workers’ compensation, and scheduling.
Alaskan – NAL |
Central – NCE |
Eastern – NEA |
Great Lakes – NGL |
New England – NNE |
Northwest Mountain – NNM |
Southern – NSO |
Southwest – NSW |
Western Pacific – NWP |
Region X – NRX |