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Brothers and Sisters,

Did you know that we are able to accept contributions from our RNAV members directly from OPM to the NATCA PAC?

As Retired NATCA Activists, we know that you understand the importance of the NATCA PAC and the critical role the PAC has played in the many successes we have enjoyed for decades. Each of us is better off today thanks to our unified support of the PAC. Yet federal pay and benefits, including many that could affect retirees, remain in the crosshairs of those looking to cut government spending. Our collective commitment to the NATCA PAC gives us the voice to protect what we’ve earned.

Thank you for your consideration and for your continued support of NATCA.

In Solidarity,

Paul Rinaldi
NATCA President

Trish Gilbert
NATCA Executive Vice President

Steve Weidner
National Legislative Committee Chair



How to Contribute to the NATCA PAC

1. Log into OPM website https://www.servicesonline.opm.gov

2. Enter you “Claim #” (CS_______) and “Password” and log in.

3. Under Menu, Select “Org Allotments”

4. Select “Start” to begin a new allotment.

5. Under “Add Allotment”, click drop down arrow in Select Organization box and select “National Air Traffic Controllers Association”

6. Enter “Deduction Amount:”

7. Click on “Save Allotment”


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