Turn Off Tune In
With all of the information we see every day, it’s easy to get distracted. No text message, email, website, or digital diversion is worth the risk of endangering the flying public or compromising the safety of the NAS. Together, NATCA and the FAA are asking for your commitment to turn off distractions and tune into safety.
TOTI In the News
→ Reminders All Around: Stay Focused and Leave Distractions at the Door
It doesn’t take more than a second for a distraction to compromise safety in the air traffic control environment. That’s why more and more controllers are adopting the Turn Off Tune In philosophy. They’re leaving distractions at the door. The FAA and NATCA have collaboratively produced a new video. It points to a national movement taking place in which controllers are habitually turning off their cellphones, plugging them into charging stations, or stowing them in lockers outside of operating quarters.
→ Los Angeles Center (ZLA) Delivers on Cell Phone Charging Stations
NATCA ZLA and the FAA were able to deliver on a concept to provide locked cell phone charging stations for the workforce. As part of the NATCA-FAA joint commitment to Turn Off Tune In, ZLA controllers are now able to charge their phones in a secured locker while they are working traffic.
→ Music City (BNA) Controllers Tune In to Traffic Growth
Teamwork between controllers and management, and a heightened focus on the job have become paramount. A recent visit by NATCA Professional Standards co-leads Garth Koleszar and Andy Marosvari helped the workforce see why eliminating distractions from the workplace is essential to safe operations.
→ A DCA State of Mind
Controllers at Washington National Tower (DCA) have the important responsibility of managing flights in airspace over our nation’s capital. With safety and security of utmost importance, controllers there have learned how to ignore potential distractions and stay on task.
→ Turn Off Tune In Becomes a Global Phenomenon
Whether you’re controlling flights in the United States, Africa, Europe, or anywhere else on planet Earth, staying focused on the job and being free of distractions is paramount for safety.
→ Birmingham: “We’re Always Looking to Remove Distractions”
At Birmingham Tower and TRACON (BHM), NATCA and management are working hand-in-hand in the effort to eliminate workplace distractions.
→ NAS Loyalty Shines in New Turn Off Tune In Videos
Three new videos aim to educate controllers and managers on the continuing challenges posed by distractions, while also demonstrating how individuals at facilities have heightened professionalism and reduced distractions.
→ Chicago Center Puts the Juice into Turn Off Tune In
Nicknamed the Juice Bar, ZAU’s charging station reminds controllers that cell phone usage in the operational environment is distracting and dangerous.
→ Manchester Tower Votes ‘No’ On Distractions
Controllers and managers team up to remove workplace distractions to keep flights over New Hampshire safe and efficient.
→ Do the Right Thing
As part of Turn Off Tune In, controllers across the National Airspace System mentor each other on staying focused on the job an removing distractions from the workplace.
→ Glass City Controllers Shatter the Habit
Controllers at Toledo Tower and TRACON turn off and tune in to maintain the safety of the flying public.
→ CNN.com Reporter’s Photo on Twitter at A80 Interview with NATCA Shows Turn Off, Tune In Placards On the Control Room Door
Check out this photo from CNN.com reporter Thom Patterson (Aug. 28) as he approaches the control room at A80 as part of his tour of the facility in reporting a story about ATC.
→ Collaborative NATCA-FAA Article in July/August 2013 Issue of Managing the Skies
“Ultimately, it is up to each and every one of us to make a decision not to text, check a sports score or look at Facebook while in the operating environment,” NATCA Professional Standards lead Garth Koleszar and Front Line Manager Bob Vaughan wrote in the article. “Our professional standards, our pride, our integrity and our responsibility require that we recognize the importance of removing distractions. It’s what we do as professionals.”
→ Turn Off, Tune In Sets New Controllers on Path to Avoid Distractions
Future controllers are learning how to avoid and manage distractions before they ever have a chance to be distracted, thanks to a collaborative effort by the FAA Air Traffic Organization and NATCA.
→ Kickoff to “Turn Off Distractions, Tune In to Safety” Campaign a Huge Success
NATCA and the FAA are asking everyone in the operational environment to “Turn Off” distractions and “Tune In” to safety. The kickoff to this educational and awareness campaign, at Communicating for Safety in March 2013, was met by an overwhelmingly positive response from CFS attendees.
The FAA employees website is also featuring Turn Off, Tune In. You will need your FAA.gov email and password to access this page.