June 24, 2016: Photo Album: New Zealand, Massachusetts, Chicago, North Carolina, Minneapolis, and Houston: See All of the Places NATCA is Making a Difference Around the World This Week
This week, NATCA President Paul Rinaldi attended the New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) conference. He addressed conference attendees and participated on a panel about collaboration from a global perspective, which included the presidents of other countries’ air traffic control unions. Pictured from left to right are: Jonathan Brooks, ATC Director, NZALPA; Daryl Hickey, President, Civil Air Australia; Peter Duffey, President, CATCA; Rinaldi; Paul Winstanley, Chair of Prospect ATCO’s Branch, UK; and Jeremy Thompson, NZALPA, IFATCA EVP of Finance.
NATCA Massachusetts State Coordinator Jason Holland and NATCA ATSAP-X rep Albert Arcese recently attended an event for Congressman Jim McGovern, MA-2. The event was hosted during the Boston Red Sox baseball game at Fenway Park. Holland and Arcese were able to raise awareness about issues concerning NATCA to the Congressman, including the importance of stable funding for the National Airspace System. Pictured from left to right are Holland, Congressman McGovern, and Arcese.
Chicago Center (ZAU) FacRep Toby Hauck, Pete Dirks (ZAU), John Riopel (C90), and Eric Toll (ORD) met with Congressman Peter Roskam on June 21. The controllers spoke to the Congressman about the importance of funding the National Airspace System. Shortly after the meeting, Congressman Roskam co-sponsored H.R. 5292: Air Traffic Controller Hiring Improvement Act of 2016. Pictured from left to right are Dirks, Riopel, Congressman Roskam, Hauck, and Toll.
Hauck also attended a Chicago Cubs baseball game this week where he was able to meet one-on-one with Congressman Roskam and Congressman Robert Dold, IL-10. Both conversations were a great success as NATCA’s voice continues to be heard through dedicated NATCAvists. Pictured below are Congressman Dold (left) and Hauck.
The Southern Region hosted a Solidarity Event in Asheville, N.C. on June 15. In attendance were members from seven surrounding facilities including Greenville-Spartanburg ATCT (GSP), Asheville ATCT (AVL), Tri-Cities ATCT (TRI), Knoxville ATCT (TYS), Chattanooga ATCT (CHA), Charlotte ATCT (CLT), and Greensboro ATCT (GSO). The event lasted all day, starting with a NATCA 101 class taught by Southern Region Reloaded Rep Rob Hoss and Great Lakes Region Reloaded Rep John Riopel.
Later in the evening, Southern Region RVP Jim Marinitti joined and answered questions from the membership. Hoss says that it was a great turnout and a good opportunity to get neighboring facilities together and strengthen the bond between the borders.
Minneapolis Center (ZMP) put on a golf tournament to benefit the NATCA Charitable Foundation and the charitable ZMP Childcare Board on May 31.
They raised $2,000 for NCF and NCF is giving back $2,500 to the charity!
View more photos from the event.
On June 11, Houston TRACON (I90) opened its doors to all I90 personnel and their families for a Family Day. Festivities included food, drinks, face paint, games, a waterslide, bounce house, sno-cone truck, and over 200 family members and friends. FacRep Clay Matheny describes the event as “a huge success” and looks forward to hosting more.