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International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations: 55th anniversary

On Thursday, Oct. 20, air traffic controllers around the globe will celebrate the International Day of the Air Traffic Controller. The date marks the 55th anniversary of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), of which NATCA is a proud member.


IFATCA was constituted in Amsterdam on Oct. 19 and 20, 1961, as a result of the efforts of a group of air traffic controllers to federate and further the interests of the air traffic control profession at the international level.

Attention NATCA members: Patrik Peters, President and CEO of IFATCA, will again be preparing a short video to mark the occasion and he asks for your contribution! Oct. 20 marks the date IFATCA was founded in 1961, the result of the efforts of a group of controllers to federate and further the interests of the profession at the international level.

If you’d like to participate, take photos or a short video clip demonstrating the presence of the IFATCA ideals of safety and pride in profession that are inherent in your facilities. Peters is looking for short testimonials demonstrating that you are proud members of the worldwide air traffic controller community — the global family of IFATCA.

Your statement can include slogans like:

  • We are celebrating safety around the world.
  • I am a proud aviation professional.
  • We are with you — around the world — day and night — 24/7.
  • In good weather or bad — we’re keeping you safe.
  • One sky — one voiceI’m a proud member of IFATCA.
  • I’m proud to be an air traffic controller.
  • You can choose similar slogans to your liking — expressing your professional pride and excellence.

Please send your photo and video contributions, including your name and duty station/facility to Peters at [email protected].

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