Oct. 28, 2016 // Photo Album: Chicago, Cleveland, Fort Worth: See All of the Places NATCA is Making a Difference Across the Country This Week
Chicago Center (ZAU) and Cleveland Center (ZOB) are two of our World Series facilities! Per the terms of the two facilities’ friendly wager, the Chicago Cubs’ “W” win flag is flying above Cleveland Center (ZOB) following the Cubs’ 5-1 win in Wednesday night’s (Oct. 26) Game 2 of the World Series. Each Cubs win means the flag flies above ZOB and each Indians win means the Tribe’s flag would fly above ZAU. At the end of the series, the winning team’s flag will be framed and displayed proudly in the loser’s facility during the 2017 baseball season. As a bonus, ZAU is flying the “W” with each Cubs victory.
The NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) found two ways to support their long-standing relationship with the Charity Snowball Express this week.
NCF Officer Corrie Conrad (pictured far right) represented NCF at the Annual Snowball Express Gala.
The local membership at Fort Worth Center (ZFW) also put their full support into NCF’s efforts, raising over $6,000 for Snowball Express by holding a golf tournament. Organizers Chris Eiserer and Bryce Lough intend for this to become an annual event.
“Their vision, energy, and hard work was beyond impressive,” said ZFW FacRep Nick Daniels. “They asked how they could help and jumped in with both feet and didn’t look back. Congratulations gentlemen.”
Snowball express is charity dedicated to serving the families of our fallen military heroes through community events, trips to theme parks, and other forms of support for the children of our nation’s bravest heroes.
To view more photos from the tournament, visit NATCA’s Flickr album.