Dec. 2, 2016 // This Week’s Notebook: NATCA 101, NATCA Holiday Ornaments, and Much More!
The last NATCA 101 class of the year is coming up! Don’t miss the chance to learn more about your union and how you can get involved.
What’s New in the NATCA Store? Holiday Ornament
Features: This elegant silver snowflake ornament has contemporary style and will hang beautifully from any tree. The NATCA logo is engraved on one side with Happy Holidays on the other side. It has a simple yet beautiful design featuring a silver string with a red bead attached. A royal blue velvet pouch is provided for the ornament as well. It’s a perfect end of year gift for you or a loved one.
Price: $15
Made in the USA.
To see the item and how to order: Select USPS or UPS as your shipping preference on your orders. To check on stock availability or for further assistance, call 800.266.0895 or email [email protected].
Shop Early For the Holidays!
For guaranteed Christmas delivery on NATCA Store items, all orders must be placed no later than Dec. 9, 2016. For stock availability or questions on embroidery, please contact Customer Service at 800.266.0895.
2017 Pocket Calendars
Pocket calendars are now available for purchase at $1.50 each. To place an order or to order in bulk, please click here.
Benefits Spotlight: GEICO + NATCA = A Win For You!
Quick! Do you know what GEICO stands for?
If you answered Gecko Everywhere In Central Orifices then you are totally wrong! Now, if you answered Government Employees Insurance Company, then you get a gold star and a chance to save money on your insurance needs!
Let’s face it, we have stuff, and stuff sometimes breaks and when stuff breaks, you have to fix it. Now, depending on the size of your stuff (easy big fella) that can come with a hefty bill. So, insurance to the rescue! We insure our stuff, so we can have someone else pay the big money to fix our big stuff. But insurance costs money too, right? Well, relax fellow NATCA member, your membership in NATCA can save you money on your “Stuff Insurance”!
It all starts with a click here.
NATCA EDGE – Designed Exclusively for NATCA Members!
Can’t get to an in-person retirement seminar? We’ll bring the seminar to you! Presenting an all-new, flexible access, web-based session of our popular retirement benefits seminar:
To register for a session, visit portal.natca.net. Click “Events” on the menu bar on the home page, and then select the “2016 NATCA Edge Online Retirement Webinar” link. Follow the questions and directions from there.
Personalized benefit estimate for participants paid for as an exclusive benefit for NATCA members. You will never be solicited or sold anything ever!
For any questions or problems with registration, contact Grace Colby, NATCA Executive Administrative Assistant: (202) 220-9811 or [email protected].