Dec. 30, 2016 // NATCA Closes Out Year Supporting Those in Need
NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, his wife, Debra, and son, Nick volunteered during the Wright to Read Holiday Dinner this year. Wright to Read was founded in 1979 by Frank and Betty Wright and provides volunteer-based one-on-one sustained literacy tutoring and mentoring relationships to City of Alexandria elementary school children in need, and collaborates with families, schools and community partners to create a comprehensive support network that guides each child to success. The Rinaldi family and the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) joined forces to give back to local children at the event this year.
During the dinner, local children and families enjoyed a meal and were able to pick out new hats, scarves and gloves that will come in handy this winter.
NATCA brothers and sisters at El Paso Tower/TRACON (ELP) wrapped up their annual holiday clothing drive last week. Every year, air traffic controllers, tech ops, contract weather, and management personnel come together to make the holidays special for children in need at Le Barron Park Elementary in El Paso.
This year, the NATCA Charitable Foundation joined together with employees at ELP to make this year the most successful yet with a contribution of $1,500, helping 43 children!
This year, the South Bend ATCT (SBN) Local adopted a family for Christmas through the Salvation Army. The charity operates 7,546 centers in communities across the United States, including food distribution, disaster relief, rehabilitation centers, anti-human trafficking efforts, and a wealth of children’s programs. Eighty-two cents of every dollar spent supports their various missions across the country. SBN members bought gifts for the adopted family of four and held a solidarity event for wrapping the gifts. Pictured below are SBN FacRep Matt Walters and SBN members Wes Givens, Wayne Weeks, Lindsey Barry, Tom Corgis, Mike Palazzotta, and Rodney Porter.
Indianapolis Center (ZID) controllers Wendy and Marc Schneider set up an Angels Anonymous charity event for the holidays. Angels Anonymous is a non-profit that strives to provide immediate and basic services for those in need. In addition to wrapping gifts and packages for local children in need, the Schneiders garnered local media attention and talked about the importance of supporting those who may be less fortunate. Photos courtesy of Sara Nahrwold at The Flyer Group.