Convention 101
Deadline Near to Submit 2018 Convention Amendments
Brothers and Sisters,
NATCA’s National Constitution is the primary governing document for our Union. The deadline to propose constitutional amendments for the 2018 NATCA Biennial National Convention is approaching. NATCA’s National Constitution Committee wants all Union members to know how to participate in this important part of NATCA business. Per the National Constitution, all amendments must be submitted to NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert at [email protected] by Monday, Dec. 18 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Below are commonly asked questions about amendments and the submission process:
Q1: What do amendments do? Why are they important to the Union?
A1: Among other things, the National Constitution establishes the objectives of NATCA, criteria for membership in NATCA, NATCA’s organizational structure and officers, NATCA’s standing committees, the rights and responsibilities of NATCA members, the process for the nomination and election of NATCA officers, the role of the National Convention, provisions governing NATCA’s finances, the establishment of locals, the trusteeship process, an internal grievance process, the process for amending the National Constitution, and NATCA’s seniority policy. NATCA members may propose changing the NATCA National Constitution through an amendment. A proposed amendment must be submitted for consideration before the delegates at NATCA’s National Convention. In addition to proposing amendments to the National Constitution, members also may propose changes to NATCA’s Standing Rules and/or NATCA’s Policy & Position Statements. All proposed amendments and changes to NATCA’s Standing Rules or Policy & Position Statements should be received by the December 18 deadline.
Q2: Will all proposed amendments be considered at Convention?
A2: Pursuant to Article XIV, Section 1 of the National Constitution: “All proposed amendments to the National Constitution shall be submitted to the National Constitution Committee through the Executive Vice President one-hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Convention.” The 2018 National Convention commences with the opening reception on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Therefore, all proposed amendments are due to the Executive Vice President on or before Monday, Dec. 18, 2017. Resolutions submitted by Dec. 18 will be published along with the proposed amendments. The Constitution Committee will meet at the National Office from Dec. 18-19, 2018 to review and compile all proposed amendments and resolutions for distribution to the membership in a booklet of proposed amendments. The National Constitution provides that the booklet of proposed amendments shall be submitted to the membership at least sixty (60) days prior to the National Convention. For 2018, the booklet must be mailed to the membership on or before Friday, Feb. 16. Any proposed amendments or resolutions that violate applicable labor and/or other laws may be designated as unenforceable by the National Office if adopted.
Q3: What if I miss the Dec. 18 deadline? Can I propose an amendment at a later time?
A3: Proposed amendments that are not submitted by Dec. 18, 2017 may only be introduced at the National Convention by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the delegates actually voting. This is a high hurdle for an untimely proposed amendment to meet, and any member wishing to submit a proposed amendment is strongly encouraged to meet the December 18 deadline for timely submission. An untimely proposed amendment deprives the NATCA membership of an opportunity to review the substance of the proposed amendment and provide guidance to their respective delegate(s).
Q4: Who is eligible to propose an amendment?
A4: Any active member in good standing may submit a proposed amendment or resolution. In accord with Robert’s Rules of Order, a proposed amendment must be moved and seconded at the National Convention in order to be heard by the delegates.
Q5: If I have questions about writing an amendment, who can help?
A5: Any member needing assistance with drafting a proposed amendment or resolution, or with any question about the process, is encouraged to contact any member of NATCA’s National Constitution Committee. Their contact information can be found here. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the Constitution Committee if you have questions about the amendment proposal process. We look forward to hearing the voices of our brothers and sisters at NATCA’s Biennial Convention in Philadelphia.
In solidarity,
NATCA National Constitution Committee:
Chair Heath T Wilson (T75) |
Alaskan Region Charles A Akers (ZAN) |
Eastern Region Christopher T Perks (PHL) |
Great Lakes Region Ryan D Herrick (M98) |
New England Region Elisa Muise (ZBW) |
Northwest Mountain Region Drew S Stewart (ZSE) |
Region X Michael A Martin (EWP) |
Southern Region Christopher M Perdue (ZME) |
Southwest Region Richard A Foster (DFW) |
Western Pacific Region Erik W Mandt (ZOA) |
Selecting Local Delegates
Article VIII
National Conventions:
Section 2. Only elected delegates or their alternates may conduct the business of the Convention. Any member in good standing may attend the Convention and speak on any issue.
Section 3. Delegates and any alternates must be active members in good standing of the Association and of their respective Locals. No paid employee of any Local or of the Association, other than duly
elected officials, shall be a delegate.
Section 4. Delegates and any alternates shall be determined by procedures set forth in each Local’s consitution and bylaws. The Local is not required to conduct a mail ballot for convention delegates unless specifically required in their local constitution.
Section 5. Each Local shall be entitled to one delegate. Each Local shall be entitled to an additional delegate for every 50 active members in good standing over and above 100 members. Each delegate shall be entitled to cast a number of votes equal to the number of active members in good standing in his or her Local thirty (30) days in advance of the opening of the Convention, divided by the number of delegates representing the Local properly registered and credentialed at the time of the vote.