Aug. 4, 2017 // NiW Workshop Recap: Facility Legislative Rep and State Coordinator Training and Building a Stronger Bench
During Facility Rep and State Coordinator training, NATCA in Washington (NiW) attendees reviewed the roles and responsibilities of legislative reps within NATCA’s legislative structure.
One of the instructors was David Skarphol, Phoenix TRACON Facility Legislative Representative, Arizona State Coordinator, and National Legislative Committee (NLC) mentee. He offered his unique insight on these roles based on his experience advocating at the facility, state, and national level. At the workshop attendees developed their existing skills, learned how to become more involved, and expanded their activism techniques.
“Building a Stronger Bench” was another workshop offered during NiW. Instructor Trisha Pesiri-Dybvik is the NLC Chair for the Western Pacific Region. She also has served as a Facility Legislative Rep. Her work as an activist at both the local and national level gives her unique insight into building and maintaining strong legislative relationships.
Attendees learned how to inform and motivate fellow members to get involved, so NATCA can be more effective on Capitol Hill. Developing and maintaining a strong local legislative bench helps NATCA remain legislatively active throughout the year.