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Aug. 25, 2017 // FAA EAP/WorkLife Resources: Hurricane Preparation, Response, and Recovery

WorkLife Wisdom

You can also learn more by reading the pdf “Coping With Floods – Preparation” from the FAA WorkLife Solutions program. Download here.

FAA WorkLife Solutions available 24/7 at 800-234-1327 (TTY 800-456-4006).

FAA has funded Concierge Services as part of the EAP/WorkLife Program, which may assist in finding temporary housing and basic resources. In addition, the Legal and Financial Resources may be of assistance. An employee or family member may call the 800-234-1327 number and the WorkLife consultant will work with the employee to the best of their ability to address those basic needs.

FAA WorkLife Solutions website can be accessed at:

  • www.magellanhealth.com/member: To enter FAA webpages, input the FAA dedicated number 800-234-1327. The website has an online library of information on disaster response as well as a hurricane guide and resources to assist FAA employees in finding temporary shelter, legal and financial resources, and federal and state agencies dedicated to disaster assistance.

The following links provide key information distributed by the Federal government regarding what to do during and after a natural disaster such as a fire, flood or hurricane;

  • Ready.gov | This website includes detailed information on how to prepare for many different natural and manmade disasters.
  • FEMA.gov | The Federal Emergency Management Administration is the government agency dedicated to responding to natural disasters. The FEMA website includes detailed information on how to prepare for many different natural and manmade disasters.
  • DisasterAssistance.gov | This website includes information on how the Federal government can help you recover if you have been affected by a natural disaster.
  • USA.gov | This website provides information on all government services and programs and makes it easy for you to find out how the Federal government can assist you after a disaster.
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