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How to Win $50,000 at CFS!

NATCA Members: You Could Win One of These Two Ford Vehicles!

Thanks to NATCA benefits partner Southern Insurance Group (SIG), Communicating For Safety (CFS) attendees have the opportunity to obtain up to three scratch-off cards. Each card gives you the chance to drive off with a new Ford, also one of our NATCA benefit partners which offers members great savings and customer incentives as part of the Ford X-Plan. NATCA members: Learn more at natca.org/benefits.

To get a scratch-off card, you can do any one – or all – of these three things this week:

1.Stamp Card
In your registration materials is a stamp card with 10 blank squares. Getting these stamps requires a visit to these 10 booths in the exhibition hall:

  • Commercial Space
  • Partnership for Safety
  • Professional Standards
  • Ford
  • Cambridge Financial
  • Board of Trustees/Unum
  • SkyOne
  • Geico

Return the card to the NATCA Benefits booth to be entered into a daily drawing and receive a scratch-off card. Only NATCA members (including corporate members) and NATCA staff are eligible to receive a scratch-off card. All CFS attendees are eligible to participate in the daily drawings.

2. Visit the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) Booth
NATCA members can complete an 1187 payroll deduction form to establish an automatic donation to NCF each pay period. If you complete an 1187 form to establish a $10 or greater donation per pay period, OR if you increase your existing automatic deduction donation by at least $5 per pay period, you’ll receive a scratch-off card.

3. Visit the NATCA benefits committee Booth
Stop by to pick up a benefits survey card. Once you complete it, return it to a Benefits Committee member at the booth in exchange for a scratch-off card.


Note: A winning scratch-off card wins you $50,000, which can be put toward the purchase of a Ford vehicle.

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