NATCA Safety Reps Partner with ALPA and Delta for A320 Scenarios, Pilot’s Perspective
Earlier this month, National Safety Committee Pilot/Controller Liaison Brad Wilcko (Southern California TRACON, SCT), ATSAP Event Review Committee member Dawn Johnson (Atlanta Center, ZTL), and National Runway Safety Representative Bridget Singratanakul (Gee) (Dallas-Fort Worth ATCT, DFW) met with Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) co-Airport Safety Liaison Jason Herman at Delta’s Atlanta headquarters to view the Airbus A320 simulators and run scenarios.
“We wanted to view different scenarios from the pilot’s perspective on the flight deck,” Johnson said.
A320 Delta Instructor Pilot Cliff Sato and Delta Technical Pilot Eric Morse simulated the scenarios and answered questions from the NATCA reps.
BELOW: Pictured left to right (top): Wilcko, Sato, Morse, Singratanakul (Gee), Herman, Johnson
(Bottom): Johnson, Singratanakul (Gee), Wilcko.