In-person NATCA Academy Courses Continue with RT-1 in Las Vegas
The NATCA Academy continued in-person training last month with the first offering of the Representative Training 1 (RT-1) course since the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 4 1/2-day course, held in Las Vegas, was taught by National Training Committee member Aaron Katz (Phoenix TRACON, P50), Alternate Southwest Regional Vice President (RVP) John Bratcher (Fort Smith ATCT, FSM), and Alternate Southern RVP Jason Arnold (Memphis Center, ZME).
“This class marked the triumphant return to in-person learning for the RT1 course. It was clear that the passion of the participants and the instructors did not miss a beat in the two-year absence,” said Katz. Added Bratcher: “The unwavering spirit and dedication of NATCA was on full display, and its resolve was as strong as ever.” Arnold said the course focuses on developing and enhancing effective methods of advocacy grounded in understanding and upholding members’ rights under the law and the Collective Bargaining Agreements. NATCA encourages members to sign up for RT-1 and other NATCA Academy course offerings. Learn more here.