TEAM Boosts Consistency & Accessibility for Tracking OJTI Records
In a collaborative effort to simplify On the Job Training Instruction (OJTI) for air traffic controllers, NATCA and the FAA are moving toward nationwide implementation of Training Enterprise Application and Management (TEAM). TEAM is a cloud-based software program used to electronically track, document, and retain air traffic training records, including training forms, team meetings and plans, as outlined in FAA Order JO 3120.4R (Air Traffic Technical Training). Las Vegas ATCT (LAS) member Adonna Prior serves on the collaborative group working on the launch of TEAM and looks forward to sharing information about TEAM with NATCA members across the country concurrently with the rollout.
TEAM allows users to enter and acknowledge training assignments, briefing items, and non-training informational briefing items. Currently, 39 facilities are using this program to document their training, and several have been using the briefing items documentation feature, as well. As of now, TEAM is expected to be trained and implemented at additional facilities as soon as the end of June. Some of the user-favorite aspects of the new software tool, especially its advantage over paper forms, include how it standardizes completion, reminding users — including supervisors — to mark all required parts of forms. TEAM also tracks all users’ changes to training records and documentation. TEAM helps keep training consistent and in order, and gives trainees, instructors, and supervisors visual and clear representations of data on training progression, from hours logged to ratings in scenarios, and more.
“A group of NATCA and management subject matter experts have worked with the developers for the last two years to update the program to ensure it’s in compliance with the 3120.4R and to make the program more user-friendly,” Prior said. “We’ve also developed user-specific training in preparation for the national rollout. We look forward to receiving feedback from current and future users so we may continue to enhance TEAM functionality for all users.”