NATCA Academy Continues Instruction in Three Different Courses
Among the several NATCA Academy classes held this month were three of the latest installments in a long series of established courses: Legislative Activism Training (LAT), Secretary-Treasurer Training (STT), and Representative Training 1. Combined, the three courses drew 70 members.
LAT: Members Learn About Legislative Activism
During the two-day LAT class April 13-14, 18 NATCA members learned about congressional structure and how legislation is passed. The course was led by NATCA Academy instructors Richard Kennington (Portland, Ore., ATCT,, PDX) and Jason Arnold (Memphis Center, ZME).
“It was a pleasure to teach such a motivated group of future legislative activists.” Arnold said. “The group was very participative and engaging. The class was very diverse, and if these activists choose to get and stay legislatively active, the future of our Union is in good hands.”
LAT teaches members techniques for building relationships with members of Congress who are critical to NATCA’s legislative priorities, with the goal to educate and enable NATCA members to help protect and enhance their profession.

STT: Course Helps Local Leaders Advance Our Professions
On April 12-13, Academy instructors Chris Keyes (Washington Center, ZDC) and Michael Di Falco (Boston ATCT, BOS) led 21 NATCA members and were joined by national leaders to greet and thank attendees, including Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge, Southern Regional Vice President (RVP) Jim Marinitti, New England RVP Mick Devine, Western Pacific RVP Joel Ortiz, and Southwest (NSW) RVP Nick Daniels.
“It’s very inspiring to see so many of NATCA’s future leaders come out and take time away from their homes and families to learn more about their roles and duties,” Keyes said.
Attendees learned how to run their locals to advance their profession and workplaces, including the importance of strict record-keeping, written documentation for financial guidelines, and improved knowledge of NATCA, Department of Labor (DOL), and IRS rules.

RT-1: Reaching the High Bar for Energy, Enthusiasm, and Passion
The RT-1 course, held April 11-15, continued its mission of facilitating the instruction of NATCA reps on how to develop and enhance effective methods of advocacy. LeBovidge, Jim Marinitti, Devine, and Region X RVP Brad Davidson joined course instructors Neil Caputo (Memphis Center [ZME] FacRep), Daniels, NSW Alternate RVP John Bratcher, and National Training Committee member Aaron Katz (Phoenix TRACON, P50) in teaching the 31 members in attendance. The course is grounded in understanding and upholding members’ rights under the law and the Collective Bargaining Agreements.
The instructors said they felt the class continued a tradition of raising the bar for energy, enthusiasm and passion. Visit the NATCA Academy webpage for upcoming trainings.