Next NATCA 101 Class Set for May 15, 10 a.m. EDT
The Reloaded Committee will hold its monthly NATCA 101 class on May 15, at 10 a.m. EDT. NATCA 101 is about the history of the organization, the work the Union does for its members every day, and insight for how members can become more involved.
Karena Marinas, who chairs both the Air Safety Investigations and OSHA committees, recently attended a NATCA 101 class. About the class, she said “I was impressed by it. All NATCA members – from all levels of NATCA experience – can benefit from the class. I really enjoyed how it provides historical information, introduces the structure of NATCA, and explains the value of our Union. I believe this class is a great way to educate every member in a fun, low commitment setting. It is a helpful tool to inspire our future leaders.”
Sign up for the next class at