NATCA NEB Meets in Portland, Ore. and Hosts Solidarity Event
The NATCA National Executive Board (NEB) met May 11-12, in Portland, Ore. While the NEB was in Portland, they hosted a meet and greet for members at local facilities in the area. At the event, the NEB members introduced themselves and answered questions from members.
PHOTO BELOW: (from left to right) NATCA President Rich Santa, Portland ATCT (PDX) President Corrie Conrad, New England Regional Vice President Mick Devine, Jesse Garrido (Hillsboro ATCT, HIO), Central Regional Vice President Aaron Merrick, Eastern Regional Vice President Brian Shallenberger, Southern Regional Vice President Jim Marinitti, Eugene ATCT (EUG) President Anita Guilford, Region X Vice President Brad Davidson, Northwest Mountain Regional Vice President Alex Navarro, HIO President Matt Schwartz and his wife Rebecca, Great Lakes Regional Vice President Drew MacQueen, Geoff Green (Portland TRACON, P80), P80 President Eddie DeLisle, Lukas Domoslawski (PDX), Southwest Regional Vice President Nick Daniels, Lisa Marshall (PDX) and her husband Kevin, Alaskan Regional Vice President Clint Lancaster, Western Pacific Regional Vice President Joel Ortiz, NATCA Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge, Travis Odehnal (PDX) and his wife Yessenia, and Kim Beckett (P80).