Professional Standards Training Triples Number of Committee Members in Alaskan Region
Professional Standards (PS) Committee members Lydia Baune (Spokane ATCT, GEG), Patrick Carter (Dallas/Fort Worth TRACON, D10), and Christopher Keyes (Washington Center, ZDC) conducted PS Committee member training in Anchorage, Alaska, May 17-19.
“The Professional Standards Program serves an important function, and its success depends on the right members stepping up to be a part of it,” Alaskan Regional (NAL) Vice President Clint Lancaster said. “I have no doubt that this class will carry forward our proud tradition of professionalism.”
Attending the class were Lancaster and NAL ARVP Brett Lystad, as well as 18 NATCA members from Anchorage TRACON (A11), Alaskan Flight Service Station (AFSS) hub locations (Flight Service Station ENA (FS1), Fairbanks Flight Service (FS2), Juneau Local (JNU AFSS), Anchorage Center (ZAN), Merrill Field ATCT (MRI), Fairbanks ATCT (FAI), and Engineers/Alaskan Region (EAL).
“This training session tripled the number of Professional Standards Committee members in Alaska and brought together NATCA members from Air Traffic, Flight Service, and Region X,” said Lystad. “It was great to strengthen the bonds with our brothers and sisters from other bargaining units and I am excited to see them all rejuvenate the Professional Standards Program at their facilities.”
Contact the PS Committee at their webpage, or email [email protected].