NATCA Represented at IFATCA Virtual Annual Conference
The 61st Annual International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA) Conference was held virtually May 23-26. Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge served as NATCA’s delegate to this conference. The conference focused on the Professional and Legal Committee (PLC) and Technical and Operations Committee (TOC) in an overhaul of the Technical & Professional Manual (TPM), which serves as a crucial guidance source for IFATCA members worldwide. TOC and PLC policy papers covered a vast array of topics, including Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) integration, TPM compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidance, and remote/virtual towers.
During the conference, NATCA member Jaymi Steinberg (Washington Center, ZDC) was elected by acclamation to serve as the TOC Chair. Also, former NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert was confirmed for a new term as the Executive Vice President Americas (EVP AMA). In addition, NATCA President emeritus John Carr received an Executive Board (EB) Award for his work as EVP AMA from 2014 to 2021.
The next AMA Regional Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 18-20, in the Dominican Republic.
“We look forward to a year of rebuilding and are excited to be resuming in-person collaboration,” Steinberg said.
The Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (JATCA) is slated to host the 62nd Annual IFATCA Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica from May 8-12, 2023.