Professional Standards Training Equips New Team Members
The NATCA Professional Standards (PS) team recently trained a new group of enthusiastic and dedicated members volunteering to take on the important role of PS committee member at each of their facilities. The training was held in Louisville, Ky., on June 14-16, and led by PS NATCA national team members Lydia Baune (Spokane ATCT, GEG), Patrick Carter (Dallas/Fort Worth TRACON, D10), and Chris Keyes (Washington Center, ZDC).
“Each new committee member has a passion to improve our profession,” PS Cleveland District Chair Brooke Dawson (Cleveland Center, ZOB) said. “I’m so excited to see and hear everybody’s success and watch them grow into the leaders of the future.”
The members attending the class were: Erin Goldschmidt (Napa County ATCT, APC), Dawson, Genevieve Jablonowski (ZOB), Matthew Benson (Kansas City Downtown ATCT, MKC), Tyler Denman (New Orleans Moisant ATCT, MSY), Rebecca Best (Newport News ATCT, PHF), Dana Guidish (Boston Center, ZBW), Matthew Gordon (Columbia Metropolitan ATCT, CAE), James Schulte (Florence City ATCT, FLO), Royce Mace (Louisville Standiford ATCT, SDF), and Patrick Taylor (Augusta ATCT, AGS).