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Robust and Productive” Advanced Legislative Training Held at National Office

NATCA Central Region Legislative Representative Allison Schwaegel and Portland ATCT (PDX) member Richard Kennington led eight participants in the Advanced Legislative Activism Training (ALAT) course in October at the National Office in Washington.

NATCA’s in-house legal counsel and the Government Affairs Department staff provided instruction and subject matter expertise during the two-and-a-half-day class. Participants were also briefed by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. The class takes an in-depth look at NATCA’s legislative history and how our Union conducts legislative activism with specific case studies. The attendees of ALAT are taught the skills to build relationships with members of Congress in order to educate and advocate for NATCA’s issues.

“ALAT classes are always full of robust and productive discussion,” Schwaegel said. “The participants of this class were no exception! I look forward to working with each and every member of this talented group in the future.”

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