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Coming to ATX? Download the Whova Event App

We are excited to welcome all our attendees to the first-ever Activism and Training Expo at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The Whova event app for ATX will help you maximize your experience during the expo. We have included the app’s written instructions and some short videos to guide you through the installation process. 

WHOVA User Instructions:

  • For NATCA’s Activism & Training Expo in Las Vegas, Dec. 12-16, we will use an event app called Whova. Download the Whova app to access the event schedule, venue map, and more by clicking here
  • After downloading, search for “NATCA ATX” on the events list, and enter the event invitation code: natcaatx2022
  • You can also access the class schedule, without downloading the app or signing in, from desktop or mobile here
  • See a video tutorial here

Once you have the app, you can view the agenda, add sessions to your personal schedule, send questions to ATX presenters, and sort the many sessions available to you by tracks associated with your interests at ATX. From the agenda, filter by tracks at the top of the screen. The app will also give you important to-the-minute updates from the ATX team.Find the download link, instructions, and contact information for any questions you may have at natca.org/atx.

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