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Staff Feature: Deputy Director of Public Affairs Galen Munroe

We have an amazing National Office staff that our membership can be very proud of. They work hard every day and are committed to providing our members with the very best service and representation in organized labor. Today, we feature NATCA’s Deputy Director of Public Affairs Galen Munroe, who joined NATCA’s staff in August 2022.

“During my career in the labor movement, I have always enjoyed working directly with the members,” Munroe said. “I have been amazed and impressed by the level of involvement of the members in the day-to-day operations of NATCA.”

Where are you from, or what places have you lived?

I grew up in Woodstock, Conn., a rural town in the northeastern corner of the state where dairy cows and apple trees outnumber the residents by a fair amount. 

Where did you go to school, or what other education do you have?

I am a graduate of The George Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.

How did you come to work at NATCA?

I spent 18 years in labor communications working for the Teamsters during General President Emeritus Jim Hoffa’s time as the leader of the union. Following his retirement and the installation of the new administration, I looked for a new opportunity to continue to advocate for workers.

Do you have family members who are involved in unions?

My sister, a teacher in Massachusetts, has been a member of a union for more than 30 years. My father was also a member of a union during his time as an employee of the State of Connecticut.

What’s the most rewarding part of being a member of NATCA’s staff? What’s the most challenging?

During my career in the labor movement, I have always enjoyed working directly with the members. I have been amazed and impressed by the level of involvement of the members in the day-to-day operations of NATCA. It has been a pleasure meeting members at Communicating For Safety (CFS) and the Activism and Training Expo (ATX) and witnessing their dedication to the organization.

I have found the most challenging part of working at NATCA is learning all of the acronyms and terminology associated with air traffic control. 

Do you have any hobbies or any other activities you enjoy outside of your work for NATCA?

My wife and I love to hike, especially in the national parks across the country. Over the past 25 years, we have visited 26 of the 63 national parks. We have continued the tradition with our six-year-old daughter who has visited five national parks.

Has there been a favorite moment for you while at NATCA?

I really enjoyed working at CFS 2022 in September. The event gave me a real appreciation of why our members are so special and unique, as well as insight into the challenges they face every day keeping the National Airspace System running efficiently and safely. 

My favorite comfort food is:

My wife’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs.

My favorite book I could read over and over is:

“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams

The best place I’ve ever traveled to was:

Florence, Italy

The funniest movie I have ever seen is:

“Young Frankenstein” (or pretty much any Mel Brooks film)

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