<strong>Union-Made Easter</strong>
For all those who celebrate Easter, the AFL-CIO has compiled a list of union-made in America treats to fill an Easter basket and your holiday dinner table.
- Cadbury Creme Eggs and other chocolate products
- Dum Dums
- Dum Dums Bunny Pops
- Ghirardelli chocolate squares
- Gimbal’s Gourmet Jelly Beans
- Haviland Nonpareils
- Hershey’s Kisses, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars, Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almond Bars, Hershey Nuggets, Hershey Filled Kisses
- Jelly Belly
- Laffy Taffy
- Malted Milk Eggs (PAAS, Mighty Malts)
- Marshmallow Peeps
- Mike and Ike
- Necco Wafers
- Rolo
- See’s Candies
- Smarties
- Tootsie Rolls and Pops
Don’t forget to pick up a union-prepared Easter ham or lamb:
- Appleton Farms ham
- Butterball ham
- Cook’s ham
- Fischer Meats lamb
- Hormel Honey Roasted ham
If you feel like doing a little egg dyeing, try these:
- Betty Crocker food coloring
- Clover Sonoma
- Horizon Organic