Professional Standards Training Class in Louisville
NATCA’s Professional Standards (PS) Committee held a training May 16-18, in Louisville, Ky., for 15 new PS Committee members. The training at the Louisville Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) welcomed new members to the team, and the PS Committee thanked them for volunteering to serve NATCA in such an important way.
“Even though as a District Chair I have been through the Professional Standards training before, I was still able to learn quite a few things and better understand how to address newer contract issues that are commonly brought to the program,” Miami District PS Chair Ben Causey (Miami Center, ZMA) said. “It was also really great for me to see how the new members are receiving training and remember their perspective just starting out and working cases at their local facilities.”
“The Professional Standards class has taught me so much,” PS class attendee David Fuentes (San Juan ATCT, SJU) said. “A lot of info that I never knew, especially being new to the agency. I look forward to my role at my facility so that I can educate my peers and management. The class facilitators are extremely educated, have a strong will to help, and are entertaining.”
Learn more about PS and upcoming trainings here.