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EVP Andrew LeBovidge Represents NATCA at NTSB Aviation Safety Summit

This week, NATCA Executive Vice President Andrew LeBovidge participated in the Navigating Mental Health in Aviation Summit conducted by the NTSB, which focused on the current system for evaluating mental fitness in the aviation workforce. Aviation safety experts, mental health professionals, government officials, academics and labor representatives explored the ways the U.S. can modernize its approach to mental health. “We need to be able to look at each other in this room, all the stakeholders, and say that we are all striving for the same end goal – the care and well-being of the people who are at the core of our National Airspace System,” said EVP LeBovidge. “The aviation community must adopt a non-punitive, just culture approach to mental health and work to eliminate the fear of reporting and addressing mental health challenges.” NATCA applauds the FAA’s establishment of the Mental Health and Aviation Medical Clearances Rulemaking Committee, and it looks forward to collaboratively engaging on this critical topic.

A recording of the Summit will be made available soon.

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