September 1, 2024 New England Bi-Monthly Regional Update
From Kevin Curtiss, NATCA New England Regional Vice President

Hello NATCA England. While the unofficial end to summer in New England is considered Labor Day weekend, in years past we’ve seen lingering inclement weather that makes it still feel like summer at work. So, while I would like to say “We’ve made it” and “Great job for another summer of working too much overtime to ensure the safety of our NAS”, I know that our controllers still have a few more weeks of grinding it out. Members who are fortunate to have time off over Labor Day weekend I hope you enjoy it; it is deserved. For those who are newer to our Region, before COVID-19, NATCA New England (NNE) used to march in The Milford, NH Labor Day parade. Inclement weather post-COVID played a part in our inability to return to marching. This year, NNE controllers will have an opportunity to attend a breakfast sponsored by the New Hampshire AFL-CIO Chapter on the day of the parade and it is NNE’s intent to return to marching next year.
Let’s talk fatigue. Our workforce has not been properly rested for quite some time and back in the spring, the FAA changed its orders requiring more rest for controllers. An immediate change to our schedules to comply with those requirements would have been undesirable. President Santa engaged with the FAA to develop a Collaborative Work Group to implement those changes. Whether it be via email, a briefing from your FacRep, or attending President Santa’s New England Membership call a few weeks ago, you are likely aware of the changes that have come as a result of the MOU that was signed. More work will be done to further assess fatigue’s impact on our workforce and how to best mitigate it. Bryan Krampovitis (BDL FacRep) who was part of the CWG put together to address the changes to the FAA Order, will continue to work on how fatigue’s impact on schedules will be negotiated for our 2026 Basic Watch Schedules.
Our Facility and Area Reps are hard at work now negotiating with their agency counterparts to ensure the best schedules and leave opportunities for our members. This year’s negotiations will no doubt be the most challenging and the feedback from controllers in surveys and polls has helped them go into those meetings with the tools needed to do what is best for our members. It’s cliche, but when we say your voice matters, it guides us on how we negotiate on your behalf.
Continuing with using your voice as I said when I wrote to you in last month’s email, I’d be remiss to not mention that everyone still has one more ballot to send in. It is up to the members to decide who will be the President and Executive Vice President of our Union for the next three years. NATCA New England members voted more than any other region during the primary election and I believe we will be the region that repeats in the runoff. The ballot timeline can be found below.
I want to conclude this month’s email by saying myself and many of the leaders in our region ane looking forward to making some slight changes and implementing new ideas that we think will help us communicate, train, and congregate better. As it’s been said in the meetings, we’re not knocking down walls or replacing the roof. Let’s look at a fresh coat of paint and some mulch here and there. What is great can always be better.

Legislative / Campaign 2024
From Jamie Green, NATCA New England Legislative Chair, PVD

We are less than 65 days till Election Day on November 5, 2024. The outcome of this year’s elections will shape NATCA’s future for years to come.
What is Campaign 2024?
Campaign 2024 is NATCA’s grassroots initiative for the 2024 elections. Every NATCA region is preparing activists to participate in the campaigns of those members of Congress with whom NATCA has built strong relationships – regardless of party.
What is our Goal?
Over the years, our Union has done a great job building relationships with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle. These relationships have helped us educate members of Congress in order to prevent many attacks on our rights and benefits as union members and federal employees.
The NATCA 2024 Campaign Team has the goal of maintaining and growing the NATCA Majority in Congress. The NATCA Majority is comprised of members of Congress who have stood with NATCA over the years when it mattered. We are working hard to be active and visible on their campaigns.

Our Ask
The NNE Campaign 2024 Team needs your help to volunteer for campaigns. Any NATCA member can participate and much of the work can be done virtually or remotely!
It is imperative that we engage in the upcoming elections. We cannot sit on the sidelines and hope someone else carries the load for us.
What are some examples of ways I could be involved?
The good news for NATCAvists is that resources like Tele-Town Hall meetings, virtual campaign rallies, campaign messaging, and remote phone banking are all accessed with the simple click of a button. It’s never been easier to get involved politically. We also know that not every candidate is a good match with every member. We can help you find the right candidate for you who is supportive of NATCA’s policy positions.
What happens next?
First, we want to thank you for volunteering. You will receive a NATCA Campaign 2024 t-shirt in the mail shortly after you sign up, please wear this when working on a campaign. It definitely makes you stand out and get noticed. When campaign work becomes available, we will reach out to you directly. You can expect training on some of these tasks above, e.g. campaigns that are using phone banking have already set up training.
NATCA’s greatest strength is rising to face adversity and standing in solidarity. We are a proactive organization. We do not sit back and wait for others to dictate our direction. The 2024 elections cannot be an exception. Please fill out the survey below and a member of the 2024 Campaign Team will be in touch.
To sign up to volunteer, log hours, or check out events happening near you, click here.
Upcoming Events

The NATCA Reloaded Committee will be offering their monthly NATCA 101 virtual class at 1:00pm ET on Sunday, September 15th.
NATCA 101 reviews our Union’s history, the work the Union does for its members, and insight into how members can become more involved.
If you’ve never taken NATCA’s original virtual class, or if it’s been a few years since you took it last, we highly recommend signing up! You learn something new about our union every time!
Members can sign up at https://portal.natca.org
Have you taken Legislative Activism Training (LAT) and want to know more about NATCA’s Legislative efforts?
Advanced Legislative Activism (ALAT) is conducted in the nation’s capital so that participants can learn from legislative subject matter experts. NATCA’s Leadership, Government Affairs Staff, Office of Special Council, and Legislative Consultants educate the participants on various aspects of our legislative agenda.
This popular course enhances activists’ knowledge of NATCA’s endorsement policy, how the PAC Advisory Board works, how NATCA influences legislation, and other topics. Attendees will participate in fun and educational scenarios that will prepare them to return to their regions and educate other NATCA members.
For more information visit natca.org/academy and to sign up visit portal.natca.org.

Save the date for NATCA’s 2nd Biennial Activism and Training Expo (ATX). The event will be held at Caesars Palace Las Vegas from December 9-12, 2024.
ATX was held for the first time in 2022 and was a huge success! The event features classes highlighting the vast number of topics that NATCA and its members participate in.
Learn about topics like runway safety, technology and infrastructure, NextGen, Legislative issues, Communications, and more! Members can attend for 1 day or all 4 days and are able to build their personal schedule to attend classes that are interesting to them.
ATX is a great way to find out more information about NATCA and a catalyst to getting involved! This year’s class list is currently being developed and registration will open soon.