NATCA Leadership

Andrew LeBovidge
Executive Vice President
Andrew LeBovidge is serving his first three-year term as the eighth executive vice president of NATCA. He was elected by acclamation and took office on Sept. 1, 2021.
LeBovidge, a veteran air traffic controller from Houston Center (ZHU), previously served on NATCA’s National Executive Board as Southwest Regional Vice President (RVP) from 2015-2021.
He started his air traffic control career at ZHU in 1992. He has served as a representative for NATCA since 1998; area representative from 1998-2000; ZHU FacRep from 2000-2015; alternate Southwest RVP from 2003 until 2015; and then two terms as the Southwest RVP. He served on the 2009 collective bargaining agreement negotiating team, represented NATCA on the National Academy of Sciences committee on air traffic controller staffing, and a number of other national groups and projects, and has been involved with NATCA’s National Committee on Training, the NEST, the CRWG, the NSTLC, and the Union Synergy and Drug and Alcohol committees.