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Training Committee News

NATCA Members Learn Importance of Activism at ALAT

NATCA held Advanced Legislative Activism Training (ALAT) Oct. 4-6 at the NATCA National Office in Washington. Participants from NATCA’s Alaskan, Western Pacific, Great Lakes, Southern, Eastern, and New England regions joined instructors NATCA Legislative Committee (NLC) […]

CFS 2023 Training Presentation: Changing Negative Mindsets

Dr. Amy D. Grubb is an internationally acclaimed speaker and seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in driving organizational change within the FBI. Today she addressed #NATCACFS 2023 attendees about “Changing the Mindset About […]

Training Update: Terminal Stage Redesign

Because the academic courses for air traffic control terminal training require revision to be current with changes in the National Airspace System and to the equipment, NATCA and the FAA formed a national Terminal Stage Redesign […]

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