Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), more commonly referred to as a “heart attack,” can happen to anyone at any time. Without CPR and defibrillation, a person’s chances of surviving a heart attack drop 7-10% for every minute […]

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), more commonly referred to as a “heart attack,” can happen to anyone at any time. Without CPR and defibrillation, a person’s chances of surviving a heart attack drop 7-10% for every minute […]
The NATCA OSHA Committee welcomes one of its newest members, Elijah McDonald from Anchorage Center (ZAN). The job of a Regional OSHA Representative is working with other bargaining units and management at many levels to ensure […]
Education was the leading recent issue for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Committee. Chair Karena Marinas (Los Angeles Center, ZLA) reports the committee facilitated membership training earlier this month to highlight its various contract […]
The OSHA Committee met and hosted a briefing with the National Executive Board in which NATCA’s Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Geoff Bacci, discussed the management of epidemic diseases. As a CIH and engineer, Bacci has a […]
OSHA Committee Chair and National OSHECCOM (Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Compliance Committee) chair Karena Marinas, National OSHECCOM Vice Chair Austin Aurandt, the FAA’s designated agency safety and health official (DASHO) Jeff Planty, and DASHO Support […]
NATCA’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Committee recently met and created a training and outreach plan for the committee and NATCA representatives for 2022. The committee now has topics that it will cover each month as […]