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Honoring the Work of NATCA Members on 9/11

Nineteen years later, the scope and the gravity of what NATCA members did in service to their country during the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 remains as vivid to them as ever. In a new collection […]

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Virtual Grassroots NATCA Activism: New York

New York TRACON (N90) FacRep Kevin Maney (pictured center right) and New York Center (ZNY) member Rich Yao (pictured top center left) attended a Zoom meeting with New York Congressman Tom Suozzi. “The yellow background really stood out during the […]

Virtual Grassroots NATCA Activism: New Jersey

Atlantic City ATCT (ACY) FacRep TJ Woodyard (top left in photo) had a virtual meeting with New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. “I thanked him for his long-standing support for our cause, and gave him an update on […]


Jaymi Steinberg in Hong Kong IFATCA

Washington Center (ZDC) member Jaymi Steinberg, who serves on the Technical Operations Committee (TOC) of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), and Denver TRACON (D01) member Deidre Hatchard, who serves on the Professional […]

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