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Current Surveys

(If you have any questions, please contact Kendal Manson, National Office Labor Relations Coordinator at [email protected].)

Low Altitude Authorization Notification Capability (LAANC) Survery
NATCA recommends participation in this survey. LAANC Survey


Strengths Finder Assessment 
This survey is specific to the Region X AFN bargaining unit. The Agency intends to conduct a strengths assessment in AFN-100/200/300/400 that will include, on a voluntary basis, approximately 15 NATCA BUEs. Although the assessment is voluntary, employees who have not already taken the assessment are strongly encouraged to take it so the results can be reviewed at the Sept. 18, 2018 All Hands Meeting. NATCA recommends participation in this assessment.


Behavioral Markers Study 

NATCA is recommending participation in this survey. It is for ATCS. It is called the Behavioral Markers Study.


AFN Survey – FAA Degree Completion Program (DCP)
The Office of Finance and Management (AFN) is planning to send this survey to all AFN employees on July 31, 2018. The purpose of the survey is to assess AFN employee knowledge and opinion on the FAA Degree Completion Program (DCP).  The survey will be deployed through eLMS. NATCA recommends participation in this survey. It is for the AFN bargaining unit.

The survey shall be conducted on the employee’s duty time. Participation in the survey shall be voluntary and anonymity shall be ensured by the Agency. The Union shall be provided a copy of the survey results at the same time they are distributed to the Agency. Additionally, the Union shall be afforded the opportunity to review and comment in advance on any publication based on or derived from survey results.


AVS Surveys: (1) AVS Overview, (2) Crucial Accountability, and (3) Leading and Leveraging Diversity
NATCA recommends participation in the following AVS Surveys: (1) AVS Overview, (2) Crucial Accountability, and (3) Leading and Leveraging Diversity. These surveys are specifically for the AVS Bargaining Unit in Region X.

AVS Overview: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T7SR25M

Crucial Accountability: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WJJKY9C

Leading and Leveraging Diversity: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WGDVG6C


Office of Airports Employees Participation in AGIS survey
NATCA recommends participation.
This is for the Airport (ARP) bargaining unit.

The Office of Airports (ARP) would like to conduct a survey to assess the function and value of the Airports Geographic Information System (AGIS) Program. This survey was developed to identify current users of AGIS, their utilization of the site, the portal, and airport data; their expectations; and their input on recommended improvements to better meet their needs. The survey results will guide the FAA in making improvements to the following:

  • ·The AGIS program;
  • ·It’s supporting website;
  • ·any applicable Advisory Circulars and other guidance.

Participation in survey shall be voluntary and anonymity shall be ensured by the Agency. The MITRE Corporation is administering the survey; it shall be conducted on the employee’s duty time, and should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. The Union shall be provided with the organizational distribution of survey, all Airports (ARP) employees. The Union shall be provided a copy of survey results at the same time they are distributed to the corresponding level of the Agency. The Union shall be afforded the opportunity to review and comment in advance on any publication based on or derived from survey results

In addition, the survey contains questions regarding the system users, utilization and value. The survey does not include detailed questions regarding technical aspects of the data collection and reporting requirements and processes, data access and use processes, or the portal function. However, input regarding this information is extremely important and participants are encouraged to provide comments using the field provided at the end of the survey, or providing separate content directly to MITRE. For follow-up to survey responses, participants are given the option to provide a name and contact information on the last page, in which MITRE will keep confidential.

The survey may be found at https://surveys.mitre.org/content/airports_gis_faa/. The password is: Airports$$gis


AFN Professional Development Survey
The Office of Finance and Management (AFN) is planning to send the attached survey to all AFN employees the week of June 25, 2018.  The purpose of the survey is to assist AFN to effectively plan for FY2019, by seeking information and input on the career development and training programs offered to AFN employees.

The survey shall be conducted on the employee’s duty time.  Participation in the survey shall be voluntary and anonymity shall be ensured by the Agency.  The Union shall be provided a copy of the survey results at the same time they are distributed to the Agency.

NATCA recommends participation in this survey. It is for the AFN Bargaining Unit.


Guide to Product Certification
Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) has a team working on communication and education activities for “The FAA and Industry Guide to Product Certification,” also known as the CPG. NATCA recommends participation in this survey.


Top 5 Traffic Advisory/Safety Alert Survey
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.
From the FAA: The office of ATO Safety & Technical Training – Policy and Performance (AJI-3) would like to implement the Top 5 Traffic Advisory/Safety Alert survey.  The survey is intended for all Air Traffic Controllers and Operational Supervisors nationwide.  The survey is being developed in support of the Top 5 Traffic Advisory/Safety Alert Corrective Action Plan (CAP).  The purpose of this survey is to gather baseline information on the current culture regarding the issuance of Traffic Advisories (TA) and Safety Alerts (SA).  The purview of the Top 5 issue is only aircraft-to-aircraft conflicts.  As such, the FAA is not focusing on other possible conflict alerts such as Minimum Safe Altitude Warnings (MSAW) or Low Altitude (LA) alerts.

The survey is anonymous, completely voluntary and will be conducted on employee’s duty time.  The survey will be administered during the employee’s duty time.  The survey will be administered via sogosurvey.  The link for the survey is:


Participants will receive the same URL to ensure anonymity.  Results will be reported as group statistics.  If comments are provided for questions 17 or 18, they will be stripped of any identifying information that may have been included in the response.  The goal is to deliver the survey in May.  In an attempt to increase Air Traffic Controller participation, we will ‘advertise’ the survey during Partnership for Safety in April and May.  The results of the survey will be shared with NATCA.


Administrative Services Customer Satisfaction Survey
NATCA does not recommend participation in the 2018 Administrative Services Customer Satisfaction Survey (formerly OMB Benchmarking Survey).


Offshore Precipitation Capability (OPC) 2018 User Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the Offshore Precipitation Capability (OPC) 2018 User Survey.


AIR-900 Employee Feedback for Acting Managers
NATCA does NOT recommend participation in this survey. This is for the AIR-900 Bargaining Unit.


Funds Certification Refresher Course Survey
Survey – DRAFT
NATCA recommends participation in this survey. This is for the Finance Management (AFN), Financial Services (ABA) Bargaining Unit. This is simply a draft of the approved survey that will be sent out/disseminated by the FAA.


Article 50 – AELP SURVEY 
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.


AFN Awards 
The AFN Awards survey is being administered by AFN-120’s Award Program/Recognition Lead. NATCA recommends participation in this survey. The survey will be administered to all AFN Award’s coordinators. The purpose of this survey is to ensure that ARO regional awards program coordinators are involved with decisions made about the AFN Formal Awards Program.  AFN would like to distribute this survey on Dec. 4, 2017.


Acquisition and Contracting Directorate (AAQ)
NATCA recommends participation in this survey. This survey is being implemented by the Acquisition and Contracting Directorate (AAQ), to include a briefing and companion Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) that explains and provides details related to the survey and FY18 expansion. The purpose of the AAQ Customer Satisfaction Surveys is to solicit and receive feedback regarding the services AAQ provides with respect to the award and administration of contracts. Data provided through this survey process will be used to ensure customer requirements are being met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. The survey process will also promote communication with customers in relation to customer feedback.


Acquisition Workforce Competency Survey 
NATCA does NOT recommend participation in this survey.


Project Management Community of Practice (CoP) sessions
(For Region X AIT BUEs)
NATCA recommends participation. The Center of Excellence Team that hosts the bi-monthly Project Management Community of Practice (CoP) sessions would like your input to improve our FY18 sessions. The purpose of this survey is to gather input and to provide improvements to the bi-monthly AIT Project Management CoP sessions/activities. The CoP survey will be sent to 266 bargaining unit employees (BUEs) from NATCA, AFSCME, PASS and NFFE, as well as non-bargaining unit (NBU) employees who participated in one or more of the AIT Project Management CoP sessions/forums during FY17.  The data coming back will cover 266 participants (i.e., NATCA, AFSCME, PASS, and NFFE), both BUE and NBU employees.  Accordingly, because the survey responses/data will be gathered anonymously the survey results will included data from all participants in this survey.

Survey shall be conducted on the employee’s duty time.  Participation shall be voluntary and anonymity shall be ensured by the Agency.  The Union shall be provided a copy of survey results at the same time they are distributed to the corresponding level of the Agency. The Union shall be afforded the opportunity to review and comment in advance on any publication based on or derived from survey results. The survey was launched in early November 2017,  and invited employees will have until Dec. 15, 2017 to complete the survey. The invited employees will be directed to the below link to participate in the survey.



NATCA recommends participation in the WAKE RECAT Survey.

The Wake RECAT implementation team would like to use this survey to measure the effectiveness of the training and the operational implementation of Wake RECAT.  We intend to use it at SCT, NCT and several of the underlying ATCT’s in their airspace.  The survey has been collaborated with Andy Marosvari, the Article 114 Rep for Wake.

The survey will be available to all operational employees at each facility including air traffic controllers, TMC, operational support staff, FLM. STMC and OM.  Please see the dates for site-visit for each facilities:

Nov. 6-13, 2017

  • NCT – Northern California TRACON
  • SFO – San Francisco ATCT
  • OAK – Oakland ATCT
  • SJC – San Jose ATCT
  • SMF – Sacramento ATCT
  • RNO – Reno ATCT

Nov.27 – Dec. 4, 2017

  • SCT – Southern California TRACON
  • LAX – Los Angeles ATCT
  • SAN – San Diego ATCT
  • ONT – Ontario ATCT
  • BUR – Burbank ATCT

Survey shall be conducted on the employee’s duty time.  The Union shall be provided with the organizational distribution of survey.

The Union shall be provided a copy of survey results at the same time they are distributed to the corresponding level of the Agency.

The Union shall be afforded the opportunity to review and comment in advance on any publication based on or derived from survey result.

Participation in survey shall be voluntary and anonymity shall be ensured by the Agency.

The survey will be paper based.  The survey will request that a participant fill out their facility ID, no other personally identifiable information will be collected.  We plan to visit each facility in November, give a short briefing to explain the use of the survey and offer participants an opportunity to complete the survey in private before collecting them.


AT Early User Involvement Events (EUIE) Questionnaire
NATCA recommends participation in the EUIE Questionnaire.


Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) Suitability User Survey and the LAANC Weekly Survey.
User Survey
Weekly Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the UAS LAANC Prototype Survey.


ARO/ALO-500 Customer Survey
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.


AVS Flyer Survey
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.


OneAFN Web Conference/Survey
NATCA recommenda participation in this survey.

Traffic Flow Management System Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the Traffic Flow Management System Survey.

E-IDS En-Route Survey
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.

MITRE has finished creating the E-IDS En-Route survey. The En-Route version of the survey mirrors the previously approved Tower and TRACON surveys, with one exception. We have many different tools in the center environment (ERAM, ESIS, SIA, etc.) that allow us to view some of the information that the Towers and TRACONs view on their IDSs (airspace, airport flows, etc.). To ensure that this difference is allowed for, the survey has been modified. It now allows an individual to choose an option that indicates that the information is currently displayed using another system and that system is preferred. This will then be further discussed between SMEs and MITRE during the subsequent focus groups and demos.

The survey is being sent to all ARTCCs to capture the different uses across the NAS, and it is scheduled to be sent on Aug 28th.

You may view/test it here:  https://surveys.mitre.org/content/enroute/    Password is:  ids

The FAA over the next year will be reviewing many aspects of air traffic training, including proficiency and skill enhancement training. One goal is to identify training topics that may need to be updated, while investigating new and more effective methods in program delivery. Your participation in completing the attached survey conducted by the FAA’s Center of Excellence for Technical Training and Human Performance will assist them in identifying the topics and delivery methods to be examined.

NATCA recommends participation in this survey.

IFR/VFR Conflicts
ATO’s Safety and Technical Training group (AJI) has been asked to assess the effectiveness of awareness campaign materials related to IFR/VFR conflicts. The purpose of this survey is to gather peoples’ opinions on how IFR and VFR traffic is handled at your facility. The goal at this time is to gather baseline information on the current culture, attitudes, and behaviors related to managing potential IFR/VFR conflicts. The plan is to provide a follow-up survey in about a year, to assess changes in attitudes or behavior related to IFR/VFR conflicts.

This IVF/VFR Conflict Attitudes survey is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. No identifiable information is included in this survey. NATCA has recommended participation in this survey.

COE Enhanced CPC Training
NATCA recommends participation in this survey.

NASA ATD-2 Evaluation
NATCA recommends participation in the NASA ATD-2 Evaluation.

WISC Wildlife Surveillance Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the WISC Wildlife Surveillance Survey.

EIDS Tower Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the EIDS Tower Survey.

GSA 2017 Tenant Satisfaction Survey
NATCA recommends participation in this survey. However, if your facility is not available in the dropdown menu there may be certain questions that ask for detailed facility-specific information. We advise all participants to limit answers, to extent possible, where they may unnecessarily identify themselves.

OMP Leadership 360 Survey
NATCA does not recommend participation in the OMP Leadership 360 Survey.

ASW Pilot Participant Feedback Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the ASW Pilot Participant Feedback Survey. This survey is specific to bargaining unit employees in the Engineers and Architects BU.

MITRE IM TSAS Human In-The-Loop Questionnaire
NATCA recommends participation in the MITRE IM TSAS Human In-The-Loop Questionnaire.

Display of Time-Based Information for TRACON ATCS
NATCA recommends participation in the Display of Time-Based Information for TRACON ATCS Survey.

ABP Employee Survey and Focus Group
NATCA recommends participation in the ABP Employee Survey and Focus Group. This survey is specific to BUEs within the ABP unit.

ARP Training Focus Groups
NATCA recommends participation in the ARP Training Focus Groups. These focus groups are specific to the BUEs in the ARP unit.
The Focus Group questions are:
1.            Are you aware of the ARP’s training efforts?
2.            Do you feel your supervisor knows what training you need or want?
3.            What training would you like to have?
4.            Do you feel your manager/deputy manager support professional development?
5.            What skills do you need that you don’t have?
6.            What skills do you think ARP will need in the next 3-5 years?

Benchmarking Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS)
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the Government-Wide 2017 Benchmarking Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS).

Air Traffic Fatigue Awareness Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the Air Traffic Fatigue Awareness Survey.

ANG-E62 Computer Modeling Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the ANG-E62 Computer Modeling Survey.

AVS 2017 Telework Employee Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the AVS 2017 Telework Employee Survey. This is only for BUEs in the AVS unit.

2017 WorkLife Survey
NATCA does not recommend participation in the 2017 WorkLife Survey.

NAS SEP User Experience Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the NAS SEP User Experience Survey. This survey is only for those BUEs in the AFN bargaining unit.

BY2018 CPIC Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the BY2018 CPIC Survey. This survey is specific to BUEs in the Region X AIT Bargaining Unit.

AEFS Suitability Test Plan Questionnaire
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the AEFS Suitability Test Plan Questionnaire.

Human Factors Guidance for the Display of NOTAMs on Information Display Systems Survey
NATCA recommends participation in the “Human Factors Guidance for the Display of NOTAMs on Information Display Systems” Survey. This survey is specific to BUEs in the NOTAM Bargaining Unit.

Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the OPSNET Survey.

ATO Telework Survey
Please click here.
NATCA recommends participation in the ATO Telework Survey.

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